Monday, May 2, 2011

Jesus, boobs, and an insight into my crazy inner thoughts

Told you all I suck at blogging!!! Maybe its because I have 4 kids, maybe its because i have very little time....or maybe its because I am afraid of my own thoughts! Whatever it is I have made a commitment today to blog once a week.  Its good for me to share what I am thinking, and I like talking about myself (warned you).  
Ok so first thought of the morning: I am seeing lots of fb post arguing that it is not ok to celebrate the death of Bin Laden...but my thought is why not?....he was evil… Proverbs 11:10  “When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish there are shouts of gladness”. So that’s my confusion….I am sad for his soul, and it only makes me want to move to Maryland quicker.  I am not the judge God is, but I cant help but be happy that a wicked man can no longer harm…I know its not the end of terrorism, but this is a huge moment for our country that I do love… and I feel this must be some justice for all the families that were affected by the September 11 attacks.

Ramble number 2: Real Housewives….I have fallen in love with this show hook line and sinker.  I started watching it because it was a way for me to step out of reality for a moment….until I realized I was watching someone else’s reality, and that makes me sad…especially for the housewives of Orange County.  First of all some of these woman don’t even have husbands.  These woman make me sad because I can see (we all can) that they are lonely and searching for something to bring them happiness.  They find this happiness in what they own, who they know, and how they look.  Sometimes I want to jump through the tv and pop their huge fake boobs…Don’t get me wrong I don’t think there is anything wrong with boob jobs, some of my closest friends have boob jobs, and I love them…my friends that is not their boobs…anyways it makes me think of myself, what are my priorities, I mean I have expensive stuff, just like the next person…the difference for me is, my stuff does not define me…my friendship with Jesus defines me, and I would give all of my worldly possessions away to serve him.  So my prayer for all of these women is that they would recognize they are beautiful not because of how they look, but because they are God’s children also.

Ok update on our huge move: We are still shooting to move the end of June, we are actively looking for a house to rent, I am pretty sure we will find one soon.  The kiddos have 3 weeks left of school.  We will start to pack up our belongings after that.  Time is flying by, and we will be out of here before we know it.  So we are trying to cherish every moment we have left with out family and friends.  I guess that’s it for today because Khloey has poop or as she calls it “yoop”

Bye for now



  1. I'm so glad you are doing this! :)

  2. Love the way you express yourself. Keep it up.

  3. Well said regarding Bin Laden! Completely agree...and I love that you are blogging! I am way behind, but I hope this can be a way for us to catch up on our lives when you move : ( I am going to have to step it up! lol

  4. thanks for sharing and always making me laugh!
    Oh wait...are you STILL moving??? I thought we'd let that one go...(heehee)

  5. Who says you're not creative? :) LOVE the title... :)
