Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Blessings

WOWZA!! Another school year bites the dust!! Holy cow when I sit back and reflect on this past year, I am blown away!!  I think I will make this entry about my children....We have been blessed with 4 amazing children, sometimes I am shocked that God trusted me to be their mother....Lets start with our oldest....Cameron completed 5th grade with fantastic grades (in a very challenging accelerated class)...I am so proud of the young man he is turning into.  Cameron has thrived this year in so many ways...If I had to pick his greatest accomplishment this year it would not be academics....It would have to be the way he has stepped up into the big brother role God has entrusted to him....Cameron takes such great care of his brother and sisters...he helps me out so much, and he is very responsible, he not only has mastered the art of diaper changing, but he loves to help in the kitchen.  Cameron is one special kid.  Cameron is one of the favorites on his baseball team, not because he is the best player, but because he is such a fantastic teammate and friend.

Child #2 Our sweet Kail...were do I even begin with this child....Kail is a blessing to everyone he meets..he is a lover, an encourager and the most empathetic child I have ever met.  Kail also maintained A's and B' this year in the 2nd grade...mostly A's I think he had 2 or 3 B's....Kail would make friends with a rock....he is always wanting to include everyone, and is a wonderful friend....however he is also the class clown...never a dull moment with Kail....his teacher told me there were times he needed to be disciplined but she could not stop laughing long enough to do so...We are equally proud of Kail for so many reason's, but once again like Cam, Kail's greatest accomplishment goes above and beyond good grades.  Kail is a lover and he wants everyone to feel the love he has in his heart.  Kail is in love with Jesus (as all of our kids are) but Kail FEELS it differently than any of our other children..he has genuine concern for people and if they know Jesus died for them too.

Now onto Kaydence....hmmmmm were to begin with this wild child....For starters she has one more day of preschool tomorrow and then graduation Thursday.  I cannot believe she will be in kindergarten in a few short months.  I am not ready to let her go, I dont think I will ever be ready to let her go...this girl has trouble written all over her....Adam and I both know we are in trouble with this one...She has been boy crazy since she was 3 years old....we had take Ken away from Barbie this year....Kaydence is DRAMA, oh but she cracks us up and keeps me on my toes....there is NEVER a dull moment with her.  She says some of the funniest things I have ever heard any one say.  Kaydence is a beautiful dancer.  She is currently in 4 dance classes and recitals are coming up...She can shake her little booty like know ones business...sometimes it is frightening...We pray for her purity everyday....Kaydence scares me because not only is she a beautiful little girl....she knows it...at 5 years old she tells me things like "Mother I know boys will like me" or "Mother its my body, I can wear what I want"  but then there are times she melts my heart and says "Mommy I am glad God made you my mommy"  or "Mommy when I grow up, I am going to be a good mommy like you"  Kaydence and Adam have a very special relationship, she loves him so much, and he melts when she looks at him...the relationship Kaydence and Adam have is invaluable...when they pray at night it brings tears to our eyes...Kaydence is a special little girl... we are trying to teach her how special she is because she is God's child, and thats why she is beautiful...

Child #4 Our African Angel Khloey...I cant even begin to tell all of you how this little girl has changed all of us...I am working on a blog for next week sharing about Khloey as we celebrate our "Gotcha Day" and holding her for the first time.  For now I will just tell you all Khoey has grown in so many ways this past year...So many people have said to us " You are changing her life" while that is true, she is changing our life everyday...more on Khloey next week...

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