Tuesday, March 8, 2011

God and I got in a fight....I lost

Ok here is another attempt at blogging.  I am inspired to do so by my dear friend Karrie Thomas.  I love looking at her family pictures and receiving updates on their life.  I am not very creative but I am gonna try!  Also keep in mind i stink at spelling and tend to have run on sentences :).Ok so here is our family update.  First let me explain why I chose to name our blog "Irrationally Committed"...Some of you may be asking "what does that even mean"? or "what the heck are you committed to"? The definition of the word irrational is:  not in accordance with reason, and the definition of committed is: to give in trust or charge;  to commit oneself to a promise;to be committed to a course of action.  The term "Irrationally Committed" defines our devotion to God and his son Jesus Christ.  When I think of the description "not in accordance with reason" I think of Noah.  Noah was asked by God to build an arc. In Genesis chapter 6 it explains how Noah found favor with God, though he was not without sin, his heart was committed to God, and he loved and obeyed him. Can you imagine the thoughts that went through the minds of the people?? They must have thought that he was crazy! I mean this was not a small boat it was 450 feet long and 75 foot wide.  However even with all of the ridicule Noah must have encountered he obeyed God.  He was "Irrationally Committed", when nothing about this made any sense to any other humans he did what God asked of him.  My husband and I want to have the same irrational faith the Noah had.  This summer we are moving our family to Silver Spring, Md, to help launch a new church plant in DC.  We have had many questions arise, like: Why would you move your family to a city populated with crime? or Isn't it to expensive to live out there?? They answer is quite simple,  because God is asking us to do this.  Nothing about this is rational or makes any sense on paper.  I mean the cost of living is 34% higher than the rest of the country.  We are literally going to pay double for rent and probably wont have near as much space for our family.  Our faith and trust is in God, and God alone....we know this is not going to be easy, we are counting on some struggles.  However with that being said, we want to live a life sharing Jesus and his love.  The last thing Jesus said before he descended to heaven was "GO" make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, son and Holy Spirit.  We want to GO wherever and do whatever God may ask of us, when we leave Az, we are leaving behind incredible friends and family.  This makes my heart ache, but our desire to share Jesus's story, replaces the heartache. When I say leaving family, the specific heartache has to do with my dad...and this explains the title of this blog entry.  I was mad at God for asking me to leave my dad.  I have had many fights with God over this, because when we leave, my dad will have no one.  This past weekend he was sick and we delivered groceries to him.  I ask myself who will help him when we are gone.  I just have to trust that God will provide for him, or maybe put someone in his path, that will extend Jesus's love. Thats what I mean when I say I lost the fight with God, because I know that God is bigger than any of this.....OK wow I am rambling! promise I won do this every time...hahahaha maybe:)  With this blog I will also give updates on our kids, and funny things that seem to always happen in our family....like Kaydence (5 year old daughter) sliding down the banister and yelling "ow ow my penis, my penis"....i think I will end there.


  1. How EXCITING!! I can't wait to hear the details about God's calling. Prayers for your dad and blessings to you and your family.

  2. Awesome blog! Looking forward to reading your thoughts, Bran! xo

  3. I am happy you started doing this again but sad to have to view this instead of sitting next to you chatting...I'll get over it and I know GOD wants you to "GO"...you are like family to me Bran, and that will NEVER change...

    Is your dad still contemplating moving? Maybe that will happen and you won't be so far away after all.
