Friday, June 17, 2011


Hello family and friends, I hope everyone is enjoying summer vacay! We sure are! Busy busy around here, Kaydence is finishing up her dance season, her big recital is tomorrow.  She is so excited to dance on stage...we may be creating a monster with her...hahahaha she LOVES the attention, but really what she loves is just to dance.  She currently takes 4 dance classes, so she will be in 4 dances at the recital.  We bought the kids summer passes to Wet N Wild, we have gone several times, the kids love ok I love it too!! I am rambling on because I am avoiding the next topic...our move to DC.

I wont go into details because really we are still trying to figure it all out.  We are not moving, we are staying here in sunny Surprise, so you all are stuck with us.  The truth of the matter is, its hard to find the words because we are terribly sad.  Aaron and Karrie are like family to us, we love them, we love their vision for church, we miss their sweet little boys.  We have spent the last 6 months preparing for this move. However as time went on and as we were house hunting it just did not feel right for both Adam and I.  We are confused as to what God was trying to teach us.  All we know is God asked us to pray about moving, we did, we said we would go, and he answered us.  The answer however was not what we were expecting.  We are not saying "never" we are just saying "not right now".  So we went ahead and registered the kiddos for school here, and life goes on.  We are completely at peace with this decision, and excited to get plugged back into ministry around here. We have the most incredible encouraging friends any one could ask for, this has been an emotional roller coaster...we are excited to learn what God does have for us here.

Bye for now

1 comment:

  1. So exciting for Miss Kaydence!! Dance is an amazing thing to have been able to experience! I am sad for you guys, but happy you have been able to come to a conclusion one way or the other and move on without having to wonder.

    Smiles and Hugs,
